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CMS PDW Call for Submissions

  • 1.  CMS PDW Call for Submissions

    Posted 11-24-2024 14:54

    * Apologies for cross posting *

    Critical Management Studies Division (CMS) PDW Call for Submissions

    CMS Division welcomes proposals for the 85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2025) held in person 25-29 July 2025 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

    We invite CMS members, and members of other divisions, to propose PDWs that inform research, teaching, service, and activist practices. We encourage proposals that extend the reach of our research and teaching praxis and enhance our potential for transformative action that brings positive changes to societies and economies. We invite PDW proposals that promote critical thinking and action in tackling socio-ecological crises.

    We welcome wide-ranging workshops which can broadly address the following, but are not limited to:

    • Critical explorations of exploitative, patriarchal, colonial, and anthropocentric relations operating in current organizations, economies, and societies
    • Relational ontologies and critical epistemologies as well as new theoretical and methodological approaches that help us better understand our current historical conditions
    • Implications of critique for imagining non-exploitative organizing, alternative to dominant capitalist form, driving societal transformation
    • Reflecting on Academic Activism and what it means to be a business school scholar in this historical moment
    • Exploring inclusivity from diverse perspectives and illustrating how power and inequity manifest in various organizational and societal settings
    • Reflecting on the implications of adopting a CMS perspective in daily life and work and exploring ways of maintaining a critical approach in the face of adversity

    Particularly on the teaching front, we welcome proposals that could address:

    • Alternative and innovative pedagogies,
    • Changes in teaching and learning experiences in marginalized contexts in our current historical condition, and
    • Reflections on our responsibilities and challenges for maintaining an academic activist agenda in diverse political and geographic settings

    This is just a guide since we welcome and encourage creative formats and creative proposals which are consistent with CMS ideas.

    AOM 2025 will take place on-site in-person. The CMS division welcomes PDW proposals with any of the following formats: workshops, case studies, roundtable discussions, and panel discussions. 

    Weencourageproposals that develop conversations with other divisions, to build connections and a critical community across the AOM. As such, please indicate any other divisions to which your PDW would be of interest.

    If you would like to discuss a potential proposal, you are welcome to emailthe PDW co-chairs by 13 December so that they have time to be in touch before the proposal is submitted.The submission deadline isTuesday, 7 January2025 at 17:00 ET (UTC-5/GMT-5).

    Contact the PDW co-chairs: Seray Ergene and Jen Manning.

    Please see the following link for the full Call for Submissions:

    Best wishes,

    Seray Ergene & Jennifer Manning

    Seray Ergene
    Assistant Professor
    University of Rhode Island
    Kingston RI United States