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EGOS Subtheme on "Organizing as Practice: Researching Large Phenomena with Theories of Practice"

  • 1.  EGOS Subtheme on "Organizing as Practice: Researching Large Phenomena with Theories of Practice"

    Posted 11-16-2024 14:04

    Subtheme: Organizing as Practice: Researching Large Phenomena with Theories of Practice

    Call for extended abstracts - deadline: January 7th, 2025

    Convenors: Kristina Lauche, Deborah Giustini, David Seidl

    The study of practices has increasingly demonstrated that what happens in, across, and around organizations has profound effects on societal outcomes that are significant in scope. We invite empirical, practice-theoretical studies of the constitution, emergence and change of large phenomena as well as reflections and developments of new methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and concepts for studying large phenomena.

    Submissions could address some of the following questions, but there are certainly also many other relevant questions related to the overall subtheme topic:

    How can a practice perspective help us to understand the specific challenges that actors encounter who seek to address large phenomena?
    How do actors create momentum and access resources for addressing large scale phenomena?
    How are practices that span organizational boundaries initiated, maintained, negotiated and transformed over time?
    How do intra-organizational and inter-organizational practices interact in productive ways?
    How can we study the doings and sayings of multiple actors in multiple organizations and locations?
    How do practices configure and how are they (re-)configured in light of large phenomena such as grand challenges?
    How do organizations adapt their practices over time and space in light of large challenges?
    How do dynamics of large phenomena come about?

    David Seidl
    University of Zurich
    +41 44 6343750