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Final Call for Participants: 2024 Research Methods Division-CARMA Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortium

  • 1.  Final Call for Participants: 2024 Research Methods Division-CARMA Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortium

    Posted 05-15-2024 02:37
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    Don't miss your chance to apply! The deadline is just one week away for the 2024 Research Methods Division-CARMA Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortium. Please see below for more information.

    Call for Participants:

    2024 Research Methods Division-CARMA Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortium

    This is a call for participants for the 2024 Research Methods Division-CARMA Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortium. The consortium offers a virtual, real-time, and interactive opportunity designed for participants to engage with leading scholars and methodologists across three perspectives: macro-quantitative, micro-quantitative, and qualitative.

    This year, we are excited to introduce a revised session format that offers more targeted and interactive learning experiences. Specifically, participants will have the opportunity to engage deeply with specialized methodological areas through two interactive breakout sessions. These sessions are designed to provide hands-on experiences and stimulate discussion on specific research methods, guided by expert methodologists. For each breakout session, participants will select and join two methods topics they are interested in, enabling them to explore a diverse range of methodologies and enhance their skills effectively.

    Schedule of Online Sessions (All times in EST)

    ·       Wednesday, June 5, 11 am-12:30 pm: Introduction to the Consortium and designing and managing your dissertation or large research project.

    ·       Wednesday, June 12, 11 am-12:30 pm: Breakout groups with method specialists, each led by a notable expert in the field.

    ·       Wednesday, June 19, 11 am-12:30 pm: Second set of breakout groups with method specialists.

    ·       Wednesday, June 26, 11 am-12:30 pm: Clearing methodological hurdles in the publication process: Ask the editors.

    Key Benefits

    1.     Expert Interaction: Direct engagement with leading scholars and methodologists, gaining valuable insights and feedback.

    2.     Flexible Scheduling: All sessions are scheduled outside of the Academy of Management conference timeframe, ensuring greater accessibility.

    3.     Virtual Accessibility: Participate from anywhere in the world without the need to travel, thanks to our fully online format.

    4.     Inclusive Participation: There is no restriction on the number of participants from the same institution, allowing multiple doctoral students and faculty members to benefit from this consortium.

    Who Can Apply? 

    Anyone interested in research methodology can apply, especially:

    1.     Doctoral students seeking to deepen their expertise in research methodology.

    2.     Junior faculty seeking professional development.

    Do I Need to Be a Methods Researcher to Participate? 

    No! The consortium is open to researchers of all areas who wish to strengthen and develop their methodological skills. 

    Application Process

    ·       Phase 1: Submit an initial application online by Wednesday, May 22. Application Link.

    ·       Phase 2: Accepted applicants will be notified by Tuesday, May 28 and will need to complete a survey to select their preferred breakout sessions and submit questions for the introductory and editorial sessions.

    Required Documents

    Your CV. Graduate students should also provide the name and email address of a faculty advisor or mentor who supports their application.

    Membership Requirements

    To participate in the consortium, you must be a member of both the Academy of Management (AOM) and its Research Methods (RM) Division. As part of the application process, if you are not already a member of AOM, you will need to commit to joining before the consortium begins. Similarly, if you are not a member of the RM Division, you will agree to join during your next renewal of AOM membership. AOM membership includes membership in up to two divisions. If you choose to join more than two divisions, an additional fee of $11 per division will apply. To update your membership divisions, please sign in at, go to your Academy Profile, and click on the "Add a Division" link.

    If you have any questions about the consortium, please contact Hoda Vaziri at

    Consortium Co-Chairs: Hoda Vaziri and Xavier Martin
    CARMA Representative: Larry Williams

    Consortium Schedule 

    Day and EST Time


    Wednesday, June 5
    11 am-12:30 pm

    Introduction to the Consortium and
    Designing and managing your dissertation or large research project

    Brian Boyd (Northern Arizona University)

    Eden King (Rice University)

    Mike Pratt (Boston College)

    Wednesday, June 12
    11 am-12:30 pm

    Breakout groups with method specialist #1

    Grounded Theory (Elizabeth Rouse, Boston College)

    Mixed Methods (Kristen Shockley, Auburn University)

    Replication (Billy Obenauer, University of Maine)

    Bayesian Method (Andreas Schwab, Iowa State University)

    Endogeneity and Instrumental Variables (John Busenbark, University of Notre Dame)

    Panel Data Analysis (Donald Schepker, University of South Carolina)

    Network Analysis (Jessica Methot, Rutgers University)

    Construct and Content Validity and Measurement (Bo Zhang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Lisa Lambert, Oklahoma State University)

    Cross-level and Multilevel Modeling (Seth Spain, Concordia University)

    Computer Simulation (Michael Sturman, Rutgers University)

    Wednesday, June 19
    11 am-12:30 pm

    Breakout groups with method specialist #2

    Observational Techniques (Tine Koehler, University of Melbourne)

    Experience Sampling Method (Joel Koopman, Texas A&M University)

    Visual Methods (Anne Smith, University of Tennessee Knoxville)

    Experimental Methods (Beth Campbell, University of Minnesota)

    Difference-in-Difference Design (Justin Frake, University of Michigan)

    Regression Discontinuity Design (Ben Lewis, Brigham Young University)

    Set-Analytic, QCA, and NCA (Thomas Greckhamer, Louisiana State University)

    Machine Learning and AI (Louis Hickman, Virginia Tech)

    Mixture Modeling (Matthew McLarnon, Mount Royal University)

    Polynomial Regression and Response Surface Analysis (Nikos Dimotakis, Oklahoma State University)

    Wednesday, June 26
    11 am-12:30 pm

    Clearing methodological hurdles in the publication process: Ask the editors

    Vibha Gaba (INSEAD; Co-Editor, Strategic Management Journal)

    Allison Gabriel (Purdue University, Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Psychology)

    Siobhan O'Mahony (Boston University; Associate Editor, Administrative Science Quarterly)


    Hoda Vaziri
    Assistant Professor
    University of North Texas
    Denton TX
