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  • 1.  Webinar: Reimagining Management Theory and Practice - Part 3

    Posted 12-09-2024 23:29

    What to do next? An Emergent Paradigm.


    Speaker: Hector Rocha (IAE Business School) 


    This webinar is part 3 of 3.


    Time: Friday, December 13 at 9.30 am (EST) / 11.30 am (Buenos Aires) / 2.30 pm (London). This webinar is scheduled for 90 minutes, including Q&A.


    Registration: Please register using this link to receive a personalized Zoom link and a reminder prior to the event.


    In this webinar, we will discuss the influence and impact of management theories on management practice and the common good. We will: a) discuss the assumptions underlying the dominant management theories, especially in the economic, sociological, and psychological realms; b) reflect on the impact of management theory on management practice and the common good, considered as the set of conditions that enhance the development of people, organizations, and society in general; c) apply the criteria and theories analysed to research papers according to academic writing standards and journal review processes.


    Recommended reading:

    • Walsh, J.P., Weber, K. and Margolis, J.D. (2003)  Social Issues and Management: Our Lost Cause Found.  Journal of Management, 29, 859-881.
    • Hollensbe, E., Wookey, C., Hickey, L., George, G., & Nichols, C. V. (2014). Organizations with purpose. Academy of Management Journal, 57(5), 1227-1234.
    • Donaldson, T., & Walsh, J. P. (2015). Toward a theory of business. Research in Organizational Behavior, 35, 181-207.
    • Murcia, M. J., Rocha, H. O., & Birkinshaw, J. (2018). Business schools at the crossroads? A trip back from Sparta to Athens. Journal of Business Ethics, 150(2), 579-591.
    • Rocha, H.O., and Ghoshal, S. (2006) Beyond Self-Interest Revisited.  Journal of Management Studies, 43, 585-619. 


    About the speaker

    Hector Rocha is a Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship and the director of the Cathedral Integral Sustainable Development at IAE Business School, Austral University in Argentina. He obtained his PhD from London Business School.

    Ibrat Djabbarov
    Imperial College London

  • 2.  RE: Webinar: Reimagining Management Theory and Practice - Part 3

    Posted 12-10-2024 11:00

    Dear Ibrat, 

    Thanks for sharing the information.

    I was wondering where I can access the registration and zoom link to the webinar on the 13th.


    Yinfeng Shen
    The University of Sydney