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Strategy-as-Practice Webinar: SAP and Algorithms - October 18
Strategy-as-Practice Webinar: SAP and Algorithms - October 18
Milena Leybold
Posted 09-27-2022 08:25
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Dear SAP community,
don't miss the opportunity to join us live for this interesting webinar on SAP research and algorithms taking place
October 18, 5pm (CEST)
Brief information on the content:
The webinar "Algorithms and Strategy-as-Practice Research" will be an interactive dialogue exploring how organizations strategically use algorithms, and how researchers can study them using practice and process approaches. We have invited
Vern Glaser
, an SAP scholar who studies how organizations use algorithms to change organizational capabilities; and
Luciana D'Adderio
, a scholar who has extensive experience studying routines and digital technologies such as algorithms, to discuss algorithmic technologies and SAP research. As a springboard for discussion, Vern and Luciana will discuss implications from their recently published the paper (written with Neil Pollock), "
The Biography of an Algorithm: Performing Algorithmic Technologies in Organizations
." We invite the audience to ask questions at the end of the session and look forward to fruitful discussions.
Please register here:
Strategy-as-Practice Webinar: Algorithms and Strategy-as-Practice Research
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Milena Leybold
SAP Social Media Team
Milena Leybold
University of Innsbruck
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