Dear colleagues,
with utopias and dystopias now being (de)constructed, shared, and enacted, we would like to draw your attention to an AOM panel symposium on "Utopias, Dystopias & Organizational Imaginaries: Organization Studies in a Brave New World". In this session, an esteemed group of high-profile scholars โ Andy Hoffman, Lara Monticelli, Paolo Quattrone, Juliane Reinecke, Garima Sharma, and Charlene Zietsma โ will share and discuss their views on the following overarching questions:
What theories of organizing do we have that would help us make sense of utopias, dystopias, and organizational imaginaries?
What roles can and should academics play in evoking, influencing, or counteracting utopian organizational imaginaries?
How might the study of alternative organizational imaginaries advance theory in management research?
With which methods can we best study and contribute to alternative organizational imaginaries?
Please join the conversation!
Here is the link to the session on the AOM platform:
There is also a related Organization Studies Special Issue Call for Papers on "Utopias-dystopias as sources of organizations and organizing":
And related information on other activities incl. a newsletter:
All the best,
Ali Gรผmรผsay, Jonas Spengler, Eva-Maria Spreitzer, and Matthias Wenzel
Matthias Wenzel
Leuphana University of Lรผneburg