-- Apologies for cross-posting --
Call for Papers for the Special Issue
Leveraging Culture to Cultivate Green Innovation in Organisations and Institutional Fields
in Industry & Innovation
Guest editors:
Georg Reischauer, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Claudio Biscaro, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Lianne Lefsrud, University of Alberta, Canada
Extended deadline:
31st October 2022
With this special issue, we aim to create a forum for research on how organizations cope with the challenges of forms of innovation that reduce impact on the natural environment, i.e., green innovation, from a cultural perspective. Especially, we want to shed new light on the role of culture and its various elements – such as institutional logics, institutional infrastructure, sensemaking, framing, collective imaginaries, and discursive elements such as stories or figures of speech – in the development, promotion, implementation, and diffusion of green innovation. Overall, we envision the special issue to generate new insights and offer guidance on how culture can help organizations to tackle important questions such as:
- How to design and change markets for green innovation?
- How to bring green innovation to the market?
- How to attract resources required to make green innovation happen?
- How to build coalitions to promote green innovation?
These are not exhaustive topics – we invite empirical and conceptual submissions on issues that fall within the scope of this special issue. The full CfP is available here: https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/culture-green-innovation-organisations/
Please get in touch any time for questions and ideas that you would like to discuss!
Georg Reischauer georg.reischauer@wu.ac.at
Claudio Biscaro claudio.biscaro@jku.at
Lianne Lefsrud lefsrud@ualberta.ca
Georg Reischauer
WU Vienna