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EGOS 2024: Accounts of Organizing in Space and Time from Practice-Based Perspectives: Connecting the Threads (Sub-theme 17)

  • 1.  EGOS 2024: Accounts of Organizing in Space and Time from Practice-Based Perspectives: Connecting the Threads (Sub-theme 17)

    Posted 10-30-2023 13:48

    Dear colleagues,

    Everyone working with practice-based approaches is invited to submit their short papers to our sub-theme. Please check out our call for papers here:
    Sub-theme 17: Accounts of Organizing in Space and Time from Practice-Based Perspectives: Connecting the Threads

    If you should have any questions, fell free to reach out to us.

    Ignas, Olivier & Deborah

    ***Apologies for cross-posting***

    Ignas Bruder
    Hertie School Berlin