Dear colleagues,
Interested in CCO and performativity, and in how organizing and organization are done differently? Then send us your best work and most interesting ideas. Our sub-theme is part of the Standing Working Group, Communication, Performativity and Organization
Please find the full call through the link below:
We welcome both empirical and conceptual submissions from a range of perspectives and from all possible onto-epistemological positions.
Below is a list of suggestive, but not exhaustive, themes that can be addressed:
• How is creative organizing performatively accomplished?
• How do alternative organizational forms take hold?
• How is creative work established for the long term, ensuring that change is durable rather than transient?
• How is creative work communicatively constituted?
• How communication performs and sustains difference?
• How is power exercised when new forms of organizing, organization and organizationality unfold?
• How can the relationships between power and creativity be understood from a performative and/or CCO perspective?
• How can we conceptualize and distinguish creativity from other elements of performative praxis that is ontologically based on alteration and change?
• How organizational difference emerges outside of traditional hierarchies?
• How can organizations be opened-up and become more democratic, inclusive and transparent?
• What kinds of creativity are crucial for forms of alternative, inclusive or open organizing?
• What is the role of communication and performativity in constituting alternative organizing?
• What can we learn from alternative organizing forms that fail?
• What is the dark side of alternative organizing?
• When does alternative organizing become affective mainstream organizing?
We look forward to seeing you in Athens!
Best regards,
Laura Dobusch, Simon Parker and Alex Wright
Sub-theme co-convenors
Alex Wright
Audencia, Nantes, France