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Join our SMS Workshop "Connecting micro-strategizing to macro-phenomena – challenges and opportunities for qualitative research"

  • 1.  Join our SMS Workshop "Connecting micro-strategizing to macro-phenomena – challenges and opportunities for qualitative research"

    Posted 09-26-2023 08:36

    Join our SMS Workshop "Connecting micro-strategizing to macro-phenomena – challenges and opportunities for qualitative research"

    Saturday, 30/9: 09:00-12:00
    Room: Chestnut West

    Panelists and roundtable hosts

    • Laura Doering, University of Toronto
    • Melissa Graebner, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    • Ann Langley, HEC Montréal
    • Becky Reuber, University of Toronto 
    • Christine Shropshire, Arizona State University

    In this workshop participants will learn about the challenges and opportunities in qualitative research for connecting micro-activities with current macro-level phenomena in strategic management research. 

    Companies are confronted to strategize for tackling grand challenges and wicked problems such as climate change, equality, peace, poverty, and digitalization. These macro-phenomena are often abstract and multi-faceted, with a multitudinous amount of interrelated variables. Despite the opportunities and relevance of addressing this topic for research and practice, connecting micro-activities to a macro-level phenomenon poses challenges for qualitative research in strategic management. 

    This interactive workshop will address the challenges and opportunities as part of two parts: In the first half we ask panelists to share best-practices and opportunities to tackle the challenge of case selection, collecting and analyzing data, and theorizing from findings. In the second half each panelist will host a roundtable that allows participants in a "world cafe" format to gain in-depth insight and feedback on their related challenges from their ongoing work. Find more information by following this link

    The "sister"-workshop on "The Process of Publishing Strategy Research: Journeying Along the (sometimes bumpy but ultimately successful) Paths to Publication" will take place from 1:00-3:00.

    See you at SMS

    Renate Kratochvil, Theresa Langenmayr, & Jeanine Porck

    Renate Kratochvil
    BI Norwegian Business School