*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
The third issue of the fourth volume of Organization Theory is out now!
For a direct link to the issue, with full access to all articles:
Theory Articles:
Strategy, Intentionality and Success: Four Logics for Explaining Strategic Action
Robert Chia & Robin Holt
Institutions and Their Social Construction: A Cross-Level Perspective
William Ocasio
Organized Immaturity in a Post-Kantian Perspective: Toward a critical theory of surveillance capitalism
Andreas Georg Scherer & Cristina Neesham
How Relational Publics Become Scandal Audiences: Values and the construction of scandal
Jo-Ellen Pozner & Timothy R. Hannigan
From Silence to Noise – The Politics of the Other in Organization Theory
Philipp Arnold & Jana Costas
Organization Theory (OT) is an online, open-access journal that publishes the best theory work in the field, ranging from theoretical essays and theory building papers to review pieces and debates. The journal is published by SAGE in collaboration with the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS).
OT offers a high-quality, developmental review process for authors. Submissions are handled by a dedicated and expert editorial team with experience in helping authors develop theory articles. For more details on the journal and our submission guidelines, see journals.sagepub.com/home/ott