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Reminder: webinar on "Being-Centered Leadership Theory: A Christian Perspective"

  • 1.  Reminder: webinar on "Being-Centered Leadership Theory: A Christian Perspective"

    Posted 08-13-2023 10:00

    Dear all, 

    The 15th HudHud International webinar on "Being-Centered Leadership Theory: A Christian Perspective.

    Presented by:

    David Perrin, 
    Professor of Religious StudiesUniversity of Waterloo, Canada. 


    Louis W. (Jody) FryRegents Professor of Management and Leadership, Texas A&M University-Central Texas. 

    We're looking forward to seeing you online on Aug 14, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada), 4:00 pm CET time.

    Here is the link to the webinar:

    Meeting ID: 899 3794 3485
    Passcode: 116489

    The following subjects will be discussed in the session:

    1- The relationship between the threefold classical spiritual journey (The purgative, illuminative and unitive way) and Being-Centered Leadership (BCL) Theory.

    The threefold classical spiritual journey is discussed On pages 248–256 of the book Studying Christian Spirituality.

    2-      The impact of Retreat on consciousness development and its relationship with BCL Theory. You can have a look at the book 20 Minutes Retreat.

    BCL Theory is based on the worldviews and ontological assumptions of five major religious traditions: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism, and utilizes five levels of being as context for effective leadership: 1) the physical world; 2) the world of images and imagination; 3) the level of the soul; 4) the level of the Spirit; and 5) the non-dual level.

    This is a recent article about BCL Theory:

    Fry, L. W., & Vu, M. C. (2023). Leading Without a Self: Implications of Buddhist Practices for Pseudo-spiritual Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 1–17.

    You can also read these 3 articles about the BCL Theory:

    Kriger, M., & Seng, Y. (2005). Leadership with inner meaning: A contingency theory of leadership based on the worldviews of five religions. The Leadership Quarterly16(5),

    Fry, L., & Kriger, M. (2009). Towards a theory of being-centered leadership: Multiple levels of being as context for effective leadership. Human Relations62(11), 1667–1696.

    Allen, S., & Fry, L. W. (2022). A Framework for Leader, Spiritual, and Moral Development. Journal of Business Ethics, 1–15.



    Dr.Pooya Pirmaleki, PhD in Management.
    Director of International HudHud webinar series at Imam Sadiq University.
    Department of Business Management.