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Webinar: Dynamic Theorizing - Qualitative Research with Archival Data

  • 1.  Webinar: Dynamic Theorizing - Qualitative Research with Archival Data

    Posted 10-12-2022 17:36

    Dynamic Theorizing: Qualitative Research with Archival Data

    Speaker:  Prof. Stine Grodal (Northeastern University)

    Time: Thursday, 20th of October at 9am (Eastern) / 2pm (London) / 6.30pm (Delhi). This webinar is scheduled for 90 minutes (incl. Q&A).

    Registration: Please register here to receive a personalized Zoom link and a reminder prior to the event.

    Archival research has for a long time been used to supplement qualitative research. However, recently the use of archival data in qualitative analysis has dramatically increased due to the digitalization of textual data. Archival data encompasses textual traces such as social media entries, press releases, newspaper articles and images that actors within organizations and markets leave behind during their daily lives. The availability of archival data raises new methodological opportunities and challenges for qualitative researchers who aim to generate organizational theory due to the abundance and the heterogeneity of the data. To rise to this challenge, this webinar introduces dynamic theorizing as a method which can be used to address some of these challenges and to push research forward in this domain. At the core of dynamic theorizing is a constant ongoing iteration between data sampling and theorizing based on the categories within the data which have theoretical relevance.

    Recommended reading:

    • Grodal, S., Anteby, M., & Holm, A. L. (2021). Achieving rigor in qualitative analysis: The role of active categorization in theory building. Academy of Management Review, 46(3), 591-612.
    • Kahl, S. J., & Grodal, S. (2016). Discursive strategies and radical technological change: Multilevel discourse analysis of the early computer (1947–1958). Strategic Management Journal, 37(1), 149-166.
    • Langley, A. (1999). Strategies for theorizing from process data. Academy of Management Review, 24(4), 691-710.
    • Ventresca, Marc J., and John W. Mohr. "Archival research methods." The Blackwell Companion to Organizations (2017): 805-828.

    About the speaker:

    Stine Grodal is Distinguished Professor at Northeastern University D'Amore-McKim School of Business in the department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Her research examines the emergence and evolution of markets and industries. She is especially interested in how firms can shape and exploit the socio-cognitive elements of markets. She is known for her expertise in qualitative research methods. She uses interviews, ethnography, and archival research, which she combines with quantitative analyses and online experiments when appropriate.

    For queries, please contact Ibrat Djabbarov

    Ibrat Djabbarov
    Cranfield School of Management