Apologies for cross-posting
Dear all,
You are invited to attend our 3rd, and last Reading Club meeting for the academic (digital) year 2020-2021. This time, we combined our four themes into two sessions and invited two distinguished guests for some inspiring food for thought.
-) Sensemaking meets collaboration & open strategy: 5th May, 17:00 (Berlin time, CET) - Special guest: Professor David Seidl
-) Practice theories & practices and processes in entrepreneurship context: 2nd June, 17:00 (Berlin time, CET) - Special Guest: Professor Davide Nicolini
Events are open to everyone and prior attendance of SAP Reading Club is not prerequisite. Register here if you haven't received a separate invitation to the event yet.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Renate Kratochvil, Madalina Pop, Qian Li, and Katelynn Sell
Katelynn Sell
West Texas A&M University