Best Student Paper Award

Lydia Schuster, Stephanie Schrage, Pauline Reinecke & Thomas Wrona
Hamburg University of Technology, University of Kiel, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg University of Technology
Digital Puppet-Mastery: Power Practices of Strategists in Digital Strategy Workshops

Yanis Hamdali, Lorenzo Skade
European University Viadrina; European University Viadrina
When the Time Is Made Right: Constructing Windows of Opportunity for Innovation in Practice

Suvi-Tuuli Talvikki Helin, Timo Olavi Vuorin
Aalto University; Aalto University
Timing and Emotions in Learning Practice Adoption

Frederik Schrøder Jeppesen
Aarhus University
Formulating Strategy for Digital Transformation


Christina Wawarta, Loizos Heracleous, Sotirios Paroutis
Warwick Business School; Warwick Business School; Warwick Business School
Temporal Tensions in Human Space Flight: NASA’s Practices for Managing Long-term Strategic Change


Jane Le and Fannie Couture  
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; University of Sydney Business School

Protecting ‘Monsters’: How Complicity Eco-Systems Facilitate Wrongdoing in Organizations​


Seray Ergene
University of Massachusetts

Corporate Sustainability As Practice: Doing Sustainability By Intervening​


Galina Kallio, Mikko Jalmari Vesa, and Kathrin Sele
Aalto University
Three Sides of the Same Coin: Practice(d) Time as Rhythms in Household Food Collectives​


Julia Balogun and Lisa Day
University of Liverpool; London Metropolitan University
Identity in the Making: How Organisational Identity Change is Facilitated in a Business Unit Merger​


Lisa Day, Julia Balogun, and Michael Mayer
London Metropolitan University; Bath University
Over the Top of the Hill: Sensemaking and the Role of Meetings in Sustaining Strategic Change